Of Yesterday Page 2
He grabbed her wrist. "Let me tell you what I want. Exactly what I want," he growled.
Taylor looked into his eyes, taken aback by the ferocity she saw there.
"I want you to leave Mandy alone. Stop seeing her. This is not a request," he ordered.
Taylor jumped as far away from Jason as she could, quickly buttoning her shirt. "You're a real ass, you know that!"
Jason's smile made Taylor want to slap him. "When it comes to protecting my family, I'll be whatever I need to be, Darlin'."
Taylor jumped out of the truck, slamming the door. Never looking back, she stormed off to her car.
Chapter Three
A lawsuit! Taylor stared at the papers that had been served to her. On the top of the papers was a little note that read, I warned you.
She could not fight the rising sense of panic as she quickly read through the document. She could lose her job, her livelihood, everything. She did not have the money to hire a lawyer to fight this in court. She could barely pay her bills as it was. Of all the cowardly things! How could that pathetic excuse of a man do this to her?
Unable to control her rage any longer, Taylor got up and began pacing alongside the candles, potions, and teas that had gotten her in this position. She had done nothing wrong. She had sold nothing to Mandy, never played her typical magic lures on her. Sure, she had on others, but not Mandy. And it was Mandy that came to her place of business. It was not Taylor who sought her out. She could not believe that the man had the audacity to file a lawsuit!
She swallowed the tears back that threatened to fall. He was going to destroy her. She knew she had done nothing wrong, but it would take money to prove it. Money she did not have. She could not fight back with money, but she was sure as hell going to put up a fight.
She did not bother knocking. Taylor burst into the kitchen that belonged to Jason and Mandy, her eyes quickly scanning the room, leaving Jason startled by the intrusion. Jason instantly jumped out of his seat, ready to pounce on the trespasser.
"What in the hell are you doing here? How dare you just storm into my house!" Jason’s voice boomed throughout the tiny space.
Taylor waved the legal papers in his face. "A lawsuit! You’re suing me?" Her voice matched his.
For a moment, Jason did not think he could breathe. The fury of having someone burst into his house was quickly replaced with an unexplainable desire for the beauty that stood before him.
"I warned you to stay away." He did everything within his power to keep his eyes off of her full lips, wanting to only see what they felt like pressed to his. Her body was so close that he could smell her perfume.
He resisted the urge to pull her even closer. All he wanted to do was to press her body against the kitchen counter and bury himself deep inside her, despite his rage. Never had a woman had such power over his emotions. Her skin was flushed with anger. Her green eyes flashed with fury, and yet he had never seen someone so beautiful in his life.
"I have done nothing wrong you piece of—" She lunged toward him, but was restrained by his hands on each side of her arms.
"Call me what you will," he interrupted sharply. "I’m not the scam artist here, preying on the innocent, the weak, and the sick. How do you live with yourself?"
He could see his words must have stung because, for a brief moment, all the fight left her body. Sadness darkened her eyes. She paused for a brief moment before trying to break his hold.
"What do you want from me?" she screamed. "You want me to stay away? Fine! You win! But for the record, I did nothing immoral to your sister!" Her body shook under the firm grasp he had on her. Her fight was coming back with a vengeance. "Are you so little of a man that you have to bully a woman? Are you so weak and fragile?"
He pushed her back until she was pressed up against the wall. Placing both hands on each side of her body, he whispered, "Would you like to see the kind of man I am?" His voice was husky with desire. "Maybe you haven't been with a real man yet."
She lifted her nose in defiance and tried to look away. He noticed the look of unease in her eyes. She licked her lips before rasping, "I’ve had enough of you. Let me go."
Jason pressed his chest against hers and moved his lips to her ear. He whispered, "I give the orders here. Not you."
Timidly, she licked her lips, then pressed her hands against his rock hard chest and attempted to push him away. "And what if I choose not to follow them?"
Jason had to swallow back the need to just rip off her clothes and take her right then and there. He hadn't been with a woman in ages and the temptation from this woman was almost too much to bear. "A punishment would be in order."
"Really?" Taylor laughed, the sound going straight to Jason’s loins.
The lure had become too much. He wrapped his arms around her, his stare drawn to her succulent pout. He watched as she moved her tongue across her bottom lip, the demand to follow its path conquered him.
His mouth covered hers. Pressing his body hard against the heat of her essence. His tongue tasted her lips, teasing until she reluctantly opened her mouth for him. Her breath intertwined with his as they each explored the other. Their lips moved in unison as the passion drowned out all other senses.
Never had he tasted something so delicious, touched something so delicate. All sense of control tried to make a desperate escape from his soul. He wanted, he hungered. He lusted for Taylor more than he had ever done with any woman before.
Abruptly, she broke off the kiss. For a brief moment they both stood there, surprised, gasping for breath.
Jason took a calming breath in an effort to salvage his control. "I'll drop the lawsuit."
She looked at him oddly. "You will?"
"On one condition." He took a few steps back. "You stop what you're doing."
Taylor nodded. "I already told you I would stay away from Mandy."
"No, I want you to stop acting like a witch completely. I want you to give up that silly little shop and stop taking money from people who don't know any better."
Taylor lifted up her chin and thrust out her chest. "I might not have a job I'm the most proud of, but it's a job. I have to make a living somehow." She approached him and jammed her finger into his chest. "But I'm not this horrible person that you seem to think I am."
Jason grabbed her hand and squeezed softly. "I don't think you're horrible. I do think your job is beneath you. I think you know you're better than that."
Taylor shrugged. "I have to make a living."
"I know, and I have a proposition for you that may just help."
He could not believe he was actually considering this. He knew he needed help and could not find the right person. Interview after interview, and he still could not find someone he wanted to bring along. It was not like he was looking for the typical nanny or housekeeper. To the average person, his idea seemed absurd. Why would Taylor think any different? And why in God's name would he think Taylor was the right fit? What in the hell was he thinking?
Taylor crossed her arms against her chest. "I'm listening."
Jason took a deep breath. Still unsure if offering this solution was the right choice. "Mandy and I are leaving in a few weeks. We're moving out of state to a ranch I've been building, and I want you to come with us. Move in with me."
Yes, it was official. He had lost his mind. Kissing a woman he barely knew, wanting her more than anything, and now offering for her to move in with him. Commit him now.
Chapter Four
Taylor stared blankly at him, attempting to let the words he said sink in. With astonishment almost taking away her voice, she asked, "What in the hell are you talking about? Why would you think I'd move in with you? Are you out of your mind?"
She had to be insane as well. After what happened in the truck, and the lawsuit, she had allowed him to kiss her and she had actually kissed him back. She barely knew this man. Why was she still standing in his house?
"It wouldn't be forever. If you don't like
it, you can move back and I'll pay you for your time."
She shook her head in confusion. "If I don't like it? Like what? I have no idea what you're talking about!"
Jason walked away from her and began pacing back and forth as he spoke. "You said yourself," he hurried on, "that you aren't proud of your job. I want to give you the opportunity to change what you do and who you are. I can give you the chance to change your entire life."
She stared at him skeptically. "So let me get this straight. By moving in with you, my entire life will change...for the better?"
"Give me a minute to explain." He went to a wooden desk in the corner of the room, pulled out a large file, and brought it over to the table. "Please, sit down and listen."
Taylor could not believe she was actually walking to the seat he pulled out for her. She was certifiable for sure. Her brain told her to march out that door and never look back, but her curiosity was winning over.
Jason opened the file, showing her pictures of land, buildings being constructed, blueprints and layouts. "For the last couple of years, I've been working on a project, building a community from scratch. A society like nothing we have seen in our lifetime."
Taylor sat in silence, overwhelmed by all the paperwork before her.
"A group of people and I are turning a large stretch of land into a utopia of sorts. We're trying to recreate a place similar to the 1800s." He paused. "Not exactly a historical replica, but in a lot of ways the same. Basically, it's an old-fashioned community where we live off the land with no modern-day distractions."
"Why?" Taylor flipped her way through the papers, amazed by what she saw.
There were pictures of a general store, a small, half-built church, a lumberyard, and even a little, white gazebo in the center of it all. Under-construction structures were photographed and taped to blue prints detailing out the final steps in the construction. There was a large map with plots of land boxed out in red with names labeled on each. Everything in the file was organized and detailed. A lot of energy had gone into the file alone.
Jason chuckled. "Trust me, after how many hours I've put into this project, I almost ask myself the same thing." He sat down across from her. "Because we want better. We want to live on our land, work off our land, and be proud of a hard day's work. We want to remove the televisions, media, corporations, technology, and all the things that muddle with today. I'm an old-fashioned man, with old-fashioned values. I want to be able to truly live by them."
Taylor looked up from all the pictures to glare into Jason's eyes. "This doesn't explain why you would want me to go with you."
"This project has been extremely demanding and will only get worse once we actually get there. I worry about Mandy. I don't want her to be alone. Plus, I don't think she can truly take care of the home like a woman will be expected to do out there."
"Meaning, that once we make this move, it will be like stepping back in time. A woman will be expected to cook, clean, sew, garden and run the entire household. The man will be working the land, and in my case, building the community."
Taylor's eyes widened and she sat up straighter. "So, you want me, to move in with you, and cook your meals, sew your socks, wash your back and whatever else an old-fashioned woman is supposed to do? Am I actually hearing you correctly?" She leaned forward, raising an eyebrow. "Am I also supposed to lie in our bed made out of hay, in my flannel night dress, and let you have your way with me as well?"
She wanted to stand up and leave without looking back, but something kept her sitting. As bizarre as this whole situation seemed, the idea compelled her to continue listening.
Jason smirked. "I'm asking for you to come with us and help with making my house a home. I'm not going to lie and say it will be easy, because it won't. Days will be long and full of hard work. But I also believe that it could change all our lives for the better."
Taylor huffed as she looked at all the pictures. "All the buildings look old, like an old ghost town. I only see dirt roads. Are there cars?"
"Not really. Some trucks will be used out of necessity, but mostly we'll use horses and carriages."
"Will I have to wear bonnets and bloomers? I mean, how historic is this place?"
"No, we aren't going to be in costume. Although, we will uphold a level of morals and etiquette at all times. So, the women will wear dresses and always present themselves as a ladies. We just want to bring back the purity of time long gone."
"Why do you think I would agree to this?"
"Are you happy?" he asked.
"I don't know what you mean."
"I mean, are you truly happy? Do you wake up every morning excited for the day to come? Do you feel fulfilled, valued, appreciated? Are you living the life you want?"
Taylor shook her head and stared down at her hands. "No. I guess I'm not. But is throwing away my life and doing this going to make me happy?" She looked up and stared into Jason's eyes. "I'm not sure I can trust you."
Jason looked at her and smiled sadly, none of the arrogance or confidence in his eyes now. "I just want the best for Mandy. She needs more than I can give her. Mandy likes you, and there's something about you that's kept me from throwing you out of my house." He shrugged. "This might sound crazy to you. Hell, it is crazy. But it's my dream." He stood up and towered over her. "So I'm offering you a chance to step into a world that could change everything you thought you were or thought you wanted. I'm offering you a chance to build a home, build a life and be part of building a community. But if you don't want to—"
"Wait." She put up both of her hands to stop him. "I want to hear more."
Jason smiled and sat back down. "Ask away."
"What about sex?" She went still, nervous as to what would come next.
"What about it?"
"Is sex part of the deal? Are you going to expect that from me?"
Jason laughed loudly. "No. You'll have your own room. Whether you want to believe it or not, I'm a gentlemen and I'd never expect a lady to just give herself to me." He paused and gave a devilish grin. "Unless the lady wanted to give it." He winked, causing Taylor's face to heat up.
Taylor continued, "Then what exactly will you expect?"
"Like I mentioned. The running of the house and taking care of Mandy. Also, I do expect for you to obey my rules and respect me as the man of the house."
Jason nodded. "Yes. Obey. This is nonnegotiable. We're going back in time with this project. A time where the men are chivalrous, hard-working, of high moral standards, and the leader of their home. I'll be the head of household, so you'll have to check your feminism at the door."
"And if I say no? You'll sue me?"
Jason shook his head. "No. I'll drop the lawsuit no matter what. I was being overprotective and a jerk. I'm sorry about that."
Taylor's gut reaction to his proposal was to say no. Common sense told her she was crazy to even be considering this. He was a stranger, and he had threatened to sue her. And yet, they had kissed. An amazing, tantalizing, seductive kiss. And then they had done it again. A wonderful repeat offense. She wanted to punch him, and in the same breath she wanted to rip his clothes off. Jason Winters could be too much for her to handle. Was moving to this make-believe world even something to consider?
"How many people are a part of this community?"
"It started with ten of us. We've been busy building homesteads and a town. Since we started, we've brought on ten more families and have a waiting list of about thirty or so others. It's pretty amazing how many people want to be part of this. The demand is high, and it's adding to the pressure of getting this town built."
Taylor watched as passion and drive danced across Jason's face. He lit up as he spoke and energy emanated from his body. It was obvious that this was everything to him.
"Why do you feel Mandy needs to be taken care of?" she questioned.
Sadness masked Jason's face and wariness dulled his eyes. "A family tragedy years a
go left her with some everlasting scars. She doesn't see things the way you and I do. She lives in this world of her own permanent happiness. She's like a child with her simplicity and goodness."
Taylor tilted her head. "And this is a bad thing?"
"It can be." Jason stood up, walked to the window, and stared out.
"Okay," Taylor stated simply.
"Okay what?"
"I'll do it. I'll make the move with you." She laughed. "I'm absolutely insane, but I'll do it."
Jason slapped his hand against his thigh. "We'll be insane together. I promise you that this is a decision you won't regret." He grabbed a pad of paper and a pen and began to make a list. "Well, we better get started with the plans. We have a lot to do and only a short time to do it."
Chapter Five
Taylor stood in the middle of the room, staring at the lace curtains and the flowered wallpaper. Everything about their agreement and the move had been a whirlwind. Taylor still struggled to truly wrap her head around it. Was she crazy? Had she really just agreed to this? She walked over to the bedroom window. She pulled at the wooden frame until she was able to slide the pane of glass up. Sticking her head out, she looked around at her surroundings. Since they had arrived late last night, this was the first time she had really gotten to see the land she would now be calling home.
The delicate scent of flowers drew her attention to a lattice tangled with climbing yellow roses, blooming all around her window. Livestock of cows, sheep, goats and horses were scattered along the land for as far as she could see. Fruit trees peppered the yard, and she noticed a large vegetable garden encircled with a half built fence. To the right of the garden was a large wishing well, which she could only assume was their source of water. Taylor truly had stepped back into the 1800s. She had never seen such a pristine piece of land.
She stepped away from the window and glanced around the room, wondering what her new life had in store. Would she really bake, clean, knit, plant, and whatever else an old-fashioned woman would be expected to do? Did she have it in her to sit down at an old oak table and enjoy a meal that would take her most of the day to prepare?