Delicate Scars Page 3
I sat in the kitchen, watching the phone, willing it to ring. I needed to talk to Harrison in the worst way. I’d already left a few texts and messages for him, and he still hadn’t called me back. I tried to work on the initial outline of my story to keep my mind busy but couldn’t focus long enough to even write a few words. Not to mention I found describing a club next to impossible. All my attempts kept sounding like some paranormal novel in an underground coven. I glanced at the clock as I typed the word “drug” again. Wishing I could come up with a different word, I realized I’d hit my writing wall for the day.
I jumped when the phone rang, grabbing it as fast as I could. “Hey, Harrison.”
“It’s good to hear your voice. How was your first day of work last night?”
“I’ve been dying to talk to you. You’re never gonna guess what happened.”
“What? You sound really happy.”
I took a sip of my coffee before speaking. “I met Axel Rye last night. Not in the most glamorous of ways, but I met him.”
“Axel Rye? The drug dealer?”
“I think we can say he is more than just a drug dealer, but yes. He wants me to hang out after work with him. He invited me to some exclusive club. I feel like I got the in already!” I continued to explain the details of the night, barely pausing to take a breath. I was more excited than I’d realized. “What if I actually get enough from him for my book? Can you imagine? An instant book deal right?”
“For sure.” Harrison asked, “You gonna go tonight?”
“I’m not sure. I know I should for the book, but I’m scared shitless. To be honest, I feel so stupid around him and that entire crowd. They’re completely above me. But I also know if I want to truly get the meat for my book… I guess I have to. But I’m not sure if I’m ready to dive in so quickly.”
“Are you kidding me, Quinn? Shut up. This is your chance to have some fun out there and make some friends. This is also your chance to get the information you really need to make your story genuine. Not to mention Felicity will kill you if you say no. Stop living in your white, boring box. Axel Rye invited you, which is something most people would die for. So, you don’t say no just because you are scared.”
I smiled. Harrison was so good for me. He was forever my built-in cheerleader. He always had a way of making me feel good about myself and gave me the self-confidence I knew I lacked. “You don’t understand. I’ve seen the women he hangs out with. They’re so mysterious and sensual and… urban looking. Their style is their own. I honestly worry I’ll look like a Plain Jane compared to them.”
I stood up with the phone against my ear, then walked over and stood in front of the mirror. No tattoos, no piercings, nothing original about me. I looked at my less-than-exciting clothes and grimaced. Although I couldn’t picture myself all tattooed and pierced, either.
“Who cares? Let me tell you something, Quinn. You need to stop thinking so little of yourself. I can guarantee you this group of women would die for your natural beauty. Axel asked you out for a reason. Stop knocking yourself down.”
“I know. You’re right.” Hearing Harrison’s advice caused me to miss him even more.
“You need to promise me something,” he said.
I hesitated. “What?”
“You’ll have a good time while you’re out there. Don’t limit yourself because you’re scared or lack the confidence. Step out of your introverted self and live a little. And don’t forget to take mental notes. You’ll have your story sooner than you think.”
“Okay, I’ll try. But you’re asking a lot. PJ bottoms, a glass of cheap chardonnay, and reality TV sounds pretty good right now.”
“Quinn, I swear. Now, go get yourself ready, don’t just put on black for the sake of it or so you can blend in, and have a good time. Let loose a bit.”
We’d just left the restaurant, which was our first request by owner for the night, and we were all in good spirits as we rode in the limo to the club. Knox opened a bottle of Jack and began to pour everyone a drink, while Teddy started cutting lines on a mirror.
I tried not to groan. As much as I was trying to have a good time, I was tired and not really in the mood for partying. I’d never admit it to anyone, but the only reason I went at all tonight was for the possibility of seeing Quinn. She had been on my mind ever since last night. Hell, “consuming my thoughts” would be a better way to describe it.
The line outside the nightclub always made me feel odd. All these people patiently waited to get inside, when my crew and I would just waltz up to the door and be escorted in the minute we arrived. I knew it was all part of the scene and nightlife, but it made me feel arrogant. I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat, feeling my palms sweat against my whiskey glass. As we parked, everyone took turns snorting their lines and then began to move toward the limo door.
“Hold on, give me a sec,” I said as I wiped at my nose after taking my line. I downed the whiskey as quickly as I could. I needed some artificial courage to kick in before I faced the night.
“Just bring the bottle with you,” Teddy said, sniffing hard, and wiping away the residue of the coke beneath his nose. “I’m ready to get my party on.”
I turned to Knox, who checked his image in the mirror one last time. His eyes were wide as saucers and blood shot, but I knew he didn’t give a fuck less. Hell, I knew I looked the same, and just hoped Quinn didn’t notice or, at the very least, care. I took another long swig of booze to help ease the flips going on inside my stomach. “All right, I’m ready.” It wasn’t the appearance that made me nervous, walking by all the club goers, or the fact that I had enough drugs on me to sell that could lock me up for the rest of my life, but rather who may be inside. The girl stole all my game.
Teddy reached for the door and put his classic meet-and-greet smile on. “Let’s do this.”
Knox and I laughed which sounded deep and distorted as the drugs kicked in and numbed my soul. I grabbed what was left of the Jack and followed him into the club.
“They have viewing rooms here,” Felicity informed me as she excitedly pulled me through the crowded club.
“Viewing rooms? What do you mean?”
“There are rooms where BDSM sex acts are going on. This will be great for your research! Talk about dark and gritty.”
My heart skipped. “Wait. You want to go watch people have… sex? What’s BDSM?”
Felicity continued to tug my resistant weight past dancing bodies. “Exactly! And you’ll soon see.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a little plastic baggie. Inside were tiny little pink pills. “Here, take one of these. It will help you loosen up. You look like you are about to have a panic attack any minute.”
I shook my head. “No, thanks. I don’t do drugs.”
“I know.”
“What is it?”
“Just take it.”
She put the pill to my mouth and pressed lightly. I could have turned my head, or resisted. I could have held my ground and refused to take the drug. But deep down, I didn’t want to. I did want to loosen up. And I felt sick to my stomach at the thought of seeing Axel again, so maybe this would help. I didn’t want to make a fool of myself again, and maybe this magic little pink pill could instantly turn me into one of the cool kids. It was worth a shot.
I opened my mouth and allowed Felicity to place the pill on my tongue. It tasted bitter, so I swallowed it as fast as I could. For a split second, I pictured how Alice in Wonderland drank from the bottle and could relate to the darkness of her tale. God that fairytale was really messed up. I only hoped I wouldn’t be seeing a white rabbit running by me once the drug kicked in.
“Let’s get a drink, and go watch some scenes get acted out. You’re going to love it,” Felicity said, tugging on my hand. “The bar is crowded. It’s going to take forever to get something.”
Maybe it took forever to get our drink. I don’t know. Everything seemed like a blur, I was l
osing sense of time, and I still didn’t see Axel.
Walking into the viewing room, I could smell the arousal. I could almost taste the sexual need of the raven-haired beauty splayed naked across the makeshift bed. Her ebony curls concealed parts of her breasts, allowing her hard nipples to peek between her cascading hair. Her pale body glistened in the colored club lights that swirled around her as she writhed in want.
Oh shit, the drugs were kicking in.
I felt lightheaded, hot, weak. The lights seemed to spread out in long lines. My ears felt as if they were clogged. My heart beat fast.
Shit. I was on drugs.
I was going to be like one of those characters in a Lifetime movie and die at a club.
Shit. I was going to die at a BDSM club and I didn’t even know what that was!
Shit. Why did it feel like I was speaking my thoughts?
As if Felicity knew I was on the verge of calling 911 and telling them I was about to overdose, she whispered in my ear, “You’re fine. It’s just kicking in. Give it a minute, and it will even out. Just watch the scene and relax.”
I nodded, and swallowed hard. A warmth oozed through me slowly, and I didn’t exactly mind how I felt. I felt gooey but I liked it. I decided to do as Felicity instructed and I watched.
A gradual hush worked through the crowd as the bass music still pounded from the main room. I positioned myself near the exit so I could observe, but flee if it ended up being too intense. I watched in amazement as a man with a scarlet-red scarf around his neck walked into the room. He was obviously the person people wanted to see, the man who would act out the scene.
He closed his eyes as if taking in the energy, the smell, the passion rushing through the audience’s veins. It was almost as if I knew this man could feel our desire, hear each breath we took, and taste the anticipation of the show to come. His dominance almost took my breath away.
Or was it the fucking drugs? Shit. I was high.
His dark brown hair rested slightly below his ears: his pale skin and ominous appearance gave him an aura that intrigued me. I watched the black jacket he wore sway as his body moved. The tight, black pants clung to his muscled thighs. His button-down white shirt revealed enough of his chest to make me and every audience member’s mouth water in anticipation of glimpsing more. Watching his performance pulled at every sensation in my body. I wanted to run away, close my eyes, or do anything but stand in that room. On the other hand, my curiosity about the taboo won over.
“Master?” the woman on the bed questioned, her head lifting off the mattress to better view the man.
“No. I’m here to prepare you for his return,” the man with the red scarf answered softly.
“I want Master.”
“You will have him.” The man moved to the bed. “Place your arms above your head,” he commanded.
The dark-haired girl hesitated for a moment. Any doubt she may have had was overpowered by the seductive energy this man possessed. Her dark eyes twinkled with arousal as she gradually brought her hands over her head, laying her head down again. Her lips parted in desire, beckoning the man for the simplest of touches. She arched her back just enough to thrust out her hardened nipples, pleading for him to take them under his control. The man reached for each of her wrists, wrapped them with the red scarf from around his neck and tied them to the headboard of the bed. He then pulled two additional scarves from his pocket, grabbed each ankle and repeated the step of securing her to the bed.
“Kiss me,” the woman begged as she gasped.
I could see the moisture along the soft folds of the woman’s completely denuded pussy. She gyrated her hips in desperate need to be satisfied. I could only imagine how the woman felt. The sexual spell this room had on the spectators was all-powerful. It was an assumption, of course, but I could almost feel the craving, needing, longing, and desire that people felt as everyone watched. I could feel the pulsating between my own legs. Surprised by my feelings, I couldn’t look away. I hungered for more.
The man slowly and seductively began to remove each item of his own clothing. Each movement of the man had the naked woman groaning for more. The girl’s exposed pussy delicately dripped in anticipation for what he had in store.
“First rule is never command. You are not the one in charge.” The man straddled the raven beauty and pressed his hard cock against her. “Your Master is the one to give commands. Only your Master.”
I leaned over to Felicity who stared with open eyes. “Is this BDSM?”
“Shhh! Just watch.”
The man lowered his mouth to the woman’s hardened nipple and began to suck. He sucked and nibbled while softly massaging the girl’s mound with the tip of his cock. He moved his mouth to the other nipple and continued to drive the girl to the edge of pleasure.
“More!” The girl begged as she flung her head in wild abandon.
The man reached down to the girl’s pussy and briskly slapped the swollen folds. “I see you don’t understand you are not the one in control. Your Master will not tolerate being told what to do.” The man slapped the woman’s pussy once again, releasing a moan from her. “You obviously need to be trained before his arrival.”
“Yes, please,” the dark-haired girl begged as she thrust her hips to meet the man’s cock with more force.
What the hell was I watching? Was it the pill or was this shit real? Were people really doing this for all to see?
The man reached for a satin bag on the floor beside the bed. He pulled out what appeared to be some sort of small silver clamps yet seeing that they were adorned with small emeralds had me confused. Before I could lean towards Felicity again to ask about them, the man’s intentions became clear.
I gasped and swallowed hard, shocked and yet somehow liking the idea of having what passed as erotic jewelry placed on the most intimate of places.
Still straddling the woman, the man grabbed one of her hardened nipples and very gently clasped the biting teeth. The woman let out a gasp as her back arched. I watched the slight grimace of pain on her face return to the sedated look of pleasure. The man bent down and softly placed his lips to the nude beauty’s mouth, giving a kiss as a reward for her ability to accept the jewelry.
“Very good,” the man whispered between the kiss.
He slowly lowered his lips to the other nipple and lightly licked along the surface. Grabbing the other clamp, the man tenderly applied it to her nipple, allowing it to join the other.
I almost gasped as I took in the magnificent sight of the sexual woman writhing only a few feet away. The silver, the jewels, her breasts, and the beginning of her submission were breathtaking. I loved watching how the man had the power to dominate, the power to control, and the power to please. I was learning how one could demand another’s ecstasy.
I briefly closed my eyes and slowly took in the aroma of the girl’s sex as the man lowered his mouth to the woman’s wanting pussy. Pressing his tongue lightly to skin bared but for the droplets of her arousal, he began to lick his way up and down the folds of the dripping-wet mound. He danced his tongue in a circle around her clit, causing the girl’s moans to become more of a scream. The man pressed his finger past the entrance of her pussy, pulling out to reveal the wet heat of the girl’s passion.
“That feels so good… so good,” the woman moaned.
The man hooked his finger into the depths of the girl’s pussy and reached for the satin bag once again. He pulled out an item I instantly could name though it was nothing like I’d ever seen before. This was a clear glass dildo that had two leather straps lined with crystals attached. The man took the clear penis and rubbed it along the girl’s wet pussy, collecting her moisture. Ever so gently, he replaced his finger with the large dildo. Once he had the dildo snugly in her depths, he placed the straps around the girl’s thighs, securing the toy in place.
The woman gasped at the intrusion and began to gyrate her hips in desperation. “Fuck me. Make me come. I need to come!”
t pause, the man flipped the girl onto her stomach. “I warned you about issuing the commands.” He swatted the girl’s creamy white behind. “You are to submit, you are to accept, you are to surrender.” He spanked the girl’s ass again. “You are to do only as your Master, and those he deems fit, requests… nothing more.”
He grabbed yet another item from the satin bag. Pulling out another phallus, yet this one had my brow furrowing. It was smaller than the dildo he’d seated inside her. And it wasn’t glass but appeared to be steel. I watched as he rubbed the emerald that decorated the base with the tip of his finger. Smaller diamonds circled the emerald, making it sparkle in the swirling lights of the club. I loved the intricate workmanship of this toy above all. Using the woman’s wetness from her pussy, I gasped again as the man lubricated the girl’s tight hole with his finger. In and out, slowly, he stretched the girl’s anus, so she would be able to accept the last of the jewelry. I assumed the Master would be pleased with the jeweled items chosen, as well as the frenzied state his submissive was in.
“I want you to relax,” he ordered as he placed a soft kiss on the reddened ass of the woman.
I watched in awe as the man pressed the steel plug past the tight ring of her ass. The woman moaned and bucked against the mattress as he continued to press it inside until only the jeweled base remained visible. The man rolled her over onto her back and took a moment to admire the jeweled beauty before him.
He bent down and pressed his lips to the woman’s mouth one last time. “Very nice. You did very well. Your Master will be pleased.”
Holy shit! I was fucking high.
We walked to the front door, past the bouncer and the red rope. There were a lot more people than we’d expected. A fairly big-name DJ played at the venue tonight, so the promo was pretty large. We started making our way through the crowd. I had just begun to scan the place when I saw her. She stood by the doorway of one of the viewing rooms. She looked embarrassed and out of her element. I could see interest, and even a hint of arousal, but I also saw something different. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Quinn seemed out of place.